We host a number of helpful courses, which are open to all members of our community. If there is a particular type of course you would find helpful, please contact us to discuss it on
recent Courses
growing leaders course
The Growing Leaders course focusses on developing leaders across the life of the church, and provides practical resources for running a leadership development process over a year. Looking at leadership in the Bible, in the church and in our own gifting. Discovering how to lead well in a church context.
healed by the father’s love
'Healed by the Father's Love' is a great opportunity to invest time into discovering the 'Father Heart' of God and exploring how He sees us. This event can really help us grasp what it means to be a child of God. We may, or may not have grown up in a positive, loving and wholesome environment with good parental role models, but this seminar set can teach us new depths to God's love for us, whatever our background and understanding of parenthood.
The bible course
This is a great follow-up to the Alpha Course. It is a really informative and interesting course about the Bible; how it is laid out, what it can teach us and how we can use it as a living document today.
Courses available on request
The alpha course
Do you have questions about life? God? Religion? The Alpha Course discusses the BIG questions using a series of videos and discussion groups. We tend to run this course once or twice a year. Please contact us if you would be interested in taking part, or keep an eye on our Facebook page, where we advertise all of our events.
Parenting children is both challenging and rewarding. This course is designed to support you in positive ways to bring up your children; to give you ideas, strategies and support and to allow you to share your experiences. Please contact Sue on to join in with the next course.
Marriage preparation course
A course for couples who are considering marriage, or are engaged. A series of videos and discussions with your partner guided by questions and exercises in a manual. A great way to get to know each other better, ask questions you may never have considered before and think about how things might work between you in the future. Some really helpful insights about how your upbringing may affect your expectations now, how you might manage your finances, how to show each other love effectively and much more.
the marriage course
A course for couples who have been married for a year or more and would like to learn how to strengthen their relationship, how to communicate well, how to show each other love effectively and resolve differences well. A series of videos and discussions as a couple with the guidance of questions and exercises laid out in the manual, so you have something to take home and continue to work on together.